Bird Watcher's General Store

“A Cape Cod Destination Icon For 40 Years”

November 8 – November 14, 2023

A Lark Bunting was banded at Wing Island banding station in Brewster on Monday, apparently just the fifth record of this western US species on the Cape and Islands in the last 40 years. A late Northern Parula was also banded there this week.
A late Ruby-throated Hummingbird visited a feeder in Cummaquid for two days this week.
The Yellow-headed Blackbird continued along Shore Rd in North Truro as well as along Rt. 6 further south.
A Little Gull was at Chapin Beach in Dennis, along with 2 Green-winged Teal, 270 Red Knots, 400 Dunlin, 125 Bonaparte’s Gulls, a Black-legged Kittiwake, 400 Northern Gannets, and an American Pipit.
Ship-based surveys more than a hundred miles east of the Cape have tallied 8 Red Phalaropes, 2 Pomarine Jaegers, 137 Northern Fulmars, 17 Dovekies, 100 Great Shearwaters, plus several migrating songbirds landing on the boat, including a Lapland Longspur, 3 Snow Buntings, 5 Dark-eyed Juncos, and an American Pipit.
Other sightings around the Cape included a late Baltimore Oriole and House Wren at Mass Audubon’s Long Pasture sanctuary in Cummaquid, a Western Willet and an American Bittern at Forest Beach in Chatham, and 2 Pectoral Sandpipers at Wellfleet Bay sanctuary.